目的地へのアクセス性 Destination
14 公園・オープンスペースへのアクセス
Access to parks and open spaces関連するキーワード

*1 Potwarka, L.R., Kaczynski, A.T., Flack, A.L., (2008). Places to play: association of park space and facilities with healthy weight status among children. Journal of Community Health. 33(5), 344-350.
*2 松戸市.「こどもの遊び場」. https://www.city.matsudo.chiba.jp/kosodate/matsudodekosodate/kosodatenavi/dekakeyo/asobiba/index.html ,(参照2021-12-23)
*3 Hino, K., & Asami, Y. (2021). Change in walking steps and association with built environments during the COVID-19 state of emergency: a longitudinal comparison with the first half of 2019 in Yokohama, Japan. Health & Place, 69, 102544.
*2 松戸市.「こどもの遊び場」. https://www.city.matsudo.chiba.jp/kosodate/matsudodekosodate/kosodatenavi/dekakeyo/asobiba/index.html ,(参照2021-12-23)
*3 Hino, K., & Asami, Y. (2021). Change in walking steps and association with built environments during the COVID-19 state of emergency: a longitudinal comparison with the first half of 2019 in Yokohama, Japan. Health & Place, 69, 102544.