花里真道, 戸髙恵美子, 中岡宏子, 瀬戸博, ケミレスタウンプロジェクト・コンソーシアム, 森千里(2011)室内化学物質を低減した居室ユニットの設計・開発, 臨床環境医学, 20(2): p100-107
In Chemiless Town, a model town in a campus of Chiba University, 3 laboratory prefabricated room units were set, and 6 types of different room with different kinds of interior materials were studied about indoor air quality. Eighty-one VOCs in indoor air of the laboratory units were analyzed and calculated 12 times from December 2008 to November 2011. As the result, the highest TVOC in the unit was 262 micrograms/m3. It became clear that by choosing materials and facilitate them carefully, it was possible to lower the TVOCs, which would be possible to apply the results in actual construction of houses and building to prevent the increase of the SBS patients.