花里真道, 戸髙恵美子, 中岡宏子, 瀬戸博, ケミレスタウンプロジェクト・コンソーシアム, 森千里(2011)室内化学物質を低減したオフィスの改装設計と濃度測定, 臨床環境医学, 20(2): p108-114
To solve the problem of “Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)” in office environment, we renovated an office in the university campus in a way to reduce the indoor air volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The renovation of the office was conducted as follows. The floor PVC backing tile carpets were replaced by non-PVC carpets, the ceiling was newly facilitated with sound absorbing dressed rockwool board and the partition walls were newly built of steel boards. Also, the furniture that emitted very little VOCs was chosen. The indoor air samples were collected and the chemicals in the samples were analyzed and calculated before and after carpet and office furniture were set. The total VOCs, the accumulation of the values of 81 chemicals was 274 micrograms/m3 before the carpet and furniture were set, 62 micrograms/m3 after the carpet and furniture were set. By choosing the interior materials carefully, it is possible to reduce the VOCs level, which will eventually reduce the number of SBS patients.